Meditation Room

Meditation Room

Welcome* to my Visual Diary ©

Welcome* to my Visual Diary ©
film~digital~experimental / visual art, design, projects

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a night of poems & black wings

a night of poems & black wings

seeds of creativity~

Themes of transformation & transiting through cycles of life, breath, death & healing seem to seep into my work. Nature, magic, creation & the ever-morphing seasons are a constant guiding force & inspiration.
~victoria pettella~

wander with me

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Tomb of Wildflowers

Tomb of Wildflowers


Autumn's Skeletal Wings

Nature's Infinity

How darkly Autumn shimmers

Autumn has been a beautiful wilderness so far....
Winter  is near, the Solstice Sun is getting ready for blooming..
enjoy the last farewells to this majestic season!

Wishing you all deep magic
as we transit through seasons once again..

I became the trees,
the birds, the creatures
all of the living things
I became sacred space
I became Nature's Infinity

N A T U R E ' S



Tammie Lee said...

You had my heart and soul with the first prose. Each one after added to the magical potion you wove with words. Thank you for stirring my heart into the depths of this moment.

Have you ever pondered writing a spiritual novel? I would love to read it.

Marfi-topia said...

your words take me to different worlds.
there's so much I love about this.
Thank you!

Sim said...

Oh wouaouh, Victoria, you blow me away!
Have a magical time my dear.
Your fan, always.

PS: Your first eye reminds me of Man Ray, do you know his artwork?

Magaly Guerrero said...

I love the sense of welcomed (and stunning) metamorphosis that dances through your poem--from the skeletal branches that will be fleshed again in spring, to the tombed flowers that will rise again after winter melts back into slumber. The images are a dream...

Magic Love Crow said...

Love, Love, Love! I wish I had the "right" words to tell you, how I feel, when I come to your blogs! This is so beautiful Victoria! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Big Hugs!

Anonymous said...

you take us to magical places and then open our eyes to see,,

Nicolas Hall said...

Victoria it seems that every time I visit your blog it is just the thing I am seeking that day. :) I adore the mood of these pieces and the way they evoke so much of the magical, inward season around us.

The artists Andrew Wyeth said, “I prefer winter and fall, when you can feel the bone structure in the landscape---the lonliness of it---the dead feeling of winter. Something waits beneath it---the whole story dosen't show.”

I've always found that to be so for myself as well and taken a more active approach to that "winter", shedding the leaves from my own landscape to get back to the bare bones of it all.

Hoping your Solstice and Yule were wonderful and that the New Year brings nothing but blessings of love, light and inspiration your way each and every day.


Cobalt Violet said...

I agree with Tammie Lee! A spiritual novel! But please add art and photos!

Hope you are well! Happy lunar Imbolc and 2018!
Blessings and light to you!

JFM said...

You are magick in all that you create...❤❤❤

Lisabella Russo said...

Oh how beautiful your words are, I feel like I could get lost in them...

By Candlelight

By Candlelight

Autumn' sLight

Autumn' sLight

A natural draw to the experimental side of things


where I have been lately *dream with me here



beautiful creatures

beautiful creatures

)0( ***

raven in love with the moon

raven in love with the moon

black feathers

black feathers

ghosts of introversion

ghosts of introversion


visit sacred space...

a u r a

a u r a



g h o s t b i r d

g h o s t b i r d

** ethereal dreamworlds **

** ethereal dreamworlds **

visual potions ~by candlelight

visual potions ~by candlelight

wander through the veil with me

Poems seeking light

Poems seeking light

To all the rare flowers

To all  the rare flowers

**b e a u t i f u l ** s o u l s**

We are all strange and unusual; flawed, broken and beautiful ~victoria pettella

shadows & souls

shadows & souls

moonlit flora spells

moonlit flora spells

visual potion~ sun, shadow & strings

visual potion~ sun, shadow & strings

sacred spaces~

sacred spaces~

** symbolic visions **

)O( ***

Nature is a Meditation

Nature is a Meditation

visual spells ) o (

visual spells ) o (

one night the stars... let me in

ash and seed

ash and seed

uncaged & free

uncaged & free
a beautiful storm



Creative Encounters & Kindred Spirits

I love to meet and connect with fellow creatives! I have a deep appreciation for all artists, creative thinkers, unique souls.
While my nature is mostly introverted and I thrive as a hidden -solitaire, I have found connecting with other creative-spirits to be profoundly nourishing and deeply magical in ways my soul understands. To those I have met along the way that have enriched my life with your art-music-writing-creations-passion-energy-open-mindedness....I thank you immeasurably ! and to those I have reconnected with..thank you for giving me a sense of community in a world I always felt on my own in. Thank you for these creative encounters, they have transformed me.

solitary world

solitary world

the unseen

the unseen

releasing the shadows and returning to light

releasing the shadows and returning to light

visual poems..

visual poems..

sunskulls & wolf-bones ~ a cave of songs & poems

sunskulls & wolf-bones ~ a cave of songs & poems

new soul

new soul

Dark Blooms

Dark Blooms

you were always meant to be free

gothic spell

gothic spell

u n v e i l

The Bird whispered to the stone

The Bird whispered to the stone

The Secret Realm

The Secret Realm
What is behind the door of shadow and light...