Meditation Room

Meditation Room

Welcome* to my Visual Diary ©

Welcome* to my Visual Diary ©
film~digital~experimental / visual art, design, projects

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a night of poems & black wings

a night of poems & black wings

seeds of creativity~

Themes of transformation & transiting through cycles of life, breath, death & healing seem to seep into my work. Nature, magic, creation & the ever-morphing seasons are a constant guiding force & inspiration.
~victoria pettella~

wander with me

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Beneath Autumn Starlight~Songs for Creaturely Hearts~

~victoria pettella~


Autumn engulfed 
the last wounds 
of Summer
Kissed every petal 
to its withering end
Made pyres 
of burning altars
all for her
Combed her 
 down into 
the earthly roots
Fused in a tapestry 
of eternal seeds
And dressed her  
in a shimmering frock 
of Majestic 
~victoria pettella


In the Autumn flowers
where life 
was fading
I began to live
~victoria pettella~




Birds hang their hearts 
like beads upon 
burning threads of sunrise
Fire and glory sing 
in Summer's grand pyre 
of wild blooms
Violets circling the Lily's 
first opening
Tangled Harebell comfort
the dying mound of Iris
Catnip swarms the floral 
husks from Midsummer
There were stones overturned
from night creatures
Swiftly, the Robin swims 
for worms in 
a newly revealed 
wave of earth
The Moon still hides 
in an ocean of daylight
the palest blue dithering 
on pearlescent-grey
The Raven has 
muffled its grim caw 
in the highest pine
Untouched by 
the golden
so close
so close we are
so far from 
~victoria pettella~


Faery-bones weave my Heart
with vaporous spells
of haunted flesh
and Forest blood
Wild in their mischief
they lace my dreams
in Wreathes of Red Toadstool
and Rowan berries
Soul twined in burning Hazel
Poems stitched in Elder Bark
Kisses for the Darkling Elves
who dance nightly
for the Queen Lark
~victoria pettella~ lingersome



Near the white Lily Glen

Birds of paradise soaked 

in Summer's waning dew

Should the Elm bow down 

to the sleeping wren

I will come near

For it is here 

where I found you

With your inkwell and poems

and wild sunrise potions

The fawn and flora kissed

beneath the slumbering 

Maiden of May

You read aloud not knowing 

I could hear

Listening to your dark voice

like a velvet bell 

tolling in the 

thundering void of my heart 

I knew who you were to me

and I sat upon the mossy hill 

Hidden by the brambles

 and the stolen skeletal berries

Where the maimed fox lingers still

like a phantom tiger-lily-bloom

Mane of marmalade-fire

Your eyes were made 

of hidden firelight 

Cloaked in a cape 

of infinite-black

And I yearned to fill them 

with my love-light of stars.. 

For you to gaze upon my soul

and feel your sad eyes open

so newly healed

and glimmering for mine
~victoria pettella~

a tapestry 

of Wolf-bones


Beneath pale blinding 
spires of Moonlight
How silent the ivy grows
swelling from 
the honey-torn earth
Emerald-stars gleaming
the shadows upon bark
Liminal , my heart sank
then fell no more
Lost between the ritual 
of time and its hidden portal
A tapestry of wolf-bones 
hung high upon 
the black pines
She danced like a wild 
cloaked in the woodland-blur
soaked in Autumn's darkest wine
A myriad of splitting mirrors 
and broken birds
spinning songs unknown
Daggers cleansed in the rainfall
the forest quelling 
with gasping light
quietly disappears
beneath fading galaxies
How silent , the ivy billows
upon graves of moss
And carves through
daisy-grazed meadows
Liminal, my heart sank
then pulsed no more

~victoria pettella~


Foxglove hovers atop
green crinoline
and drowns for Spring's 
Eternal rainfall
Spells unearthed 
like blooming wounds
Songs undone by 
the banshee-heart 
still lingering 
upon the Heathered cliff
The sea-birds crave salted-air
and shrilling gulls fling their 
ballads of doom scant-across
the sea-foam rocks
The wizards of old
unmask their ghosts
to those unafraid 
of what they have lost
~victoria pettella~

Songs beneath Autumn starlight

the Autumn Starlight
we become
Beautiful Creatures
Hauntful, wild
and luminous
In October's 
strange magic

~victoria pettella~

Autumn's breath
a storm of ancient bells
ringing wild
with wind and fire
upon Summer's
Floral grave
~victoria pettella~


Garden of Wolves

Stay with me
Wander my
 Creaturely Heart
For within it 
live infinite 
of the Dark Forest
and beneath every Moon
you may dream with me
cloaked in the Garden
of Wolves
~victoria pettella~


Skeletal whisper 

on your lips

poems of death 

seep through 

October's  skin

Autumn leaves sweet 

in my mouth

Love blooming 


the graveyard dirt

~victoria pettella~




Autumn Starlight
mystic wild
in the Ancient
~victoria pettella~

Forever..beneath Autumn Starlight


Softly, where
the dying meadows 
in the hush 
of Autumn Starlight
the birds gather to chant
where is October's 
dancing breath?
She is the gothic rainfall
parting the leaves
bleeding into 
the rustic forest
of heart-torn melancholy
For Summer has 
sunken away
like a swollen grave
where frayed-angels 
wear wings
of broken seeds 
and ripening clay
Tourmaline-flowering skies
rushed out of your eyes
and I was forever 
~victoria pettella

Autumn Starlight
words~victoria pettella

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By Candlelight

By Candlelight

Autumn' sLight

Autumn' sLight

A natural draw to the experimental side of things


where I have been lately *dream with me here



beautiful creatures

beautiful creatures

)0( ***

raven in love with the moon

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black feathers

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ghosts of introversion

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visit sacred space...

a u r a

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g h o s t b i r d

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** ethereal dreamworlds **

** ethereal dreamworlds **

visual potions ~by candlelight

visual potions ~by candlelight

wander through the veil with me

Poems seeking light

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To all the rare flowers

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**b e a u t i f u l ** s o u l s**

We are all strange and unusual; flawed, broken and beautiful ~victoria pettella

shadows & souls

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moonlit flora spells

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visual potion~ sun, shadow & strings

visual potion~ sun, shadow & strings

sacred spaces~

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** symbolic visions **

)O( ***

Nature is a Meditation

Nature is a Meditation

visual spells ) o (

visual spells ) o (

one night the stars... let me in

ash and seed

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uncaged & free

uncaged & free
a beautiful storm



Creative Encounters & Kindred Spirits

I love to meet and connect with fellow creatives! I have a deep appreciation for all artists, creative thinkers, unique souls.
While my nature is mostly introverted and I thrive as a hidden -solitaire, I have found connecting with other creative-spirits to be profoundly nourishing and deeply magical in ways my soul understands. To those I have met along the way that have enriched my life with your art-music-writing-creations-passion-energy-open-mindedness....I thank you immeasurably ! and to those I have reconnected with..thank you for giving me a sense of community in a world I always felt on my own in. Thank you for these creative encounters, they have transformed me.

solitary world

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the unseen

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releasing the shadows and returning to light

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new soul

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Dark Blooms

Dark Blooms

you were always meant to be free

gothic spell

gothic spell

u n v e i l

The Bird whispered to the stone

The Bird whispered to the stone

The Secret Realm

The Secret Realm
What is behind the door of shadow and light...