Autumn's Flame
burns bright
Autumn's Wing
Summer gently falls
b e n e a t h
the Ancient breath of
Autumn`s wing
A new world summons
a Labyrinth of Seeds
Soaking down the moon's release
Earthen-womb full of mourning-doves
Amber veils shimmering above
Swallows circling the falling leaves
pressing stars between their beaks
Upon the waters, feathers drift-on
echoing through hauntful-swans
Wild branches
carved like Thrones
of Crimson-Oak and mossy-stones
Ruby leaves and parchment poems
Calling all the forest-souls
Bleeding colors, shining like bones
till the white-Raven falls
quietly alone
*~victoria pettella~*
Summer Kings
and Autumn Queens
Nature dancing
t h e I n b e t w e e n
t h e I n b e t w e e n
still much fire, light and breath
till Winter sweeps its spell of death
but only hidden for a time
the Earth asleep with paling light
the mask of dreams
will fall
a w a y
a w a y
as mother
r e w e a v e s
r e w e a v e s
the darkened maze
the Spring will rise
a torch
of silver rain
The Sun will shatter
the sleeping-cage
Where death once lived
the light will now reign
The Flora and Forests
shall Awaken again
~victoria pettella~
*magic prose*
*magic prose*

Visual elixirs~
Blue Morning Glory, Red Maple Leaf and Sunflower
Birch Spirit in shadow
and draped in many moons
Each season
lights a sacred flame
to embody all
the gifts of change
& earth
enchants the Spirit
of rebirth
Spirals shift
Magic ignites
the Eternal Ether
of Infinite Light
~victoria pettella~
*magic prose*
lights a sacred flame
to embody all
the gifts of change
& earth
enchants the Spirit
of rebirth
Spirals shift
Magic ignites
the Eternal Ether
of Infinite Light
~victoria pettella~
*magic prose*
Wishing you the
magic and beauty
during this
deeply transformative season
Happy Autumn