Meditation Room

Meditation Room

Welcome* to my Visual Diary ©

Welcome* to my Visual Diary ©
film~digital~experimental / visual art, design, projects

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a night of poems & black wings

a night of poems & black wings

seeds of creativity~

Themes of transformation & transiting through cycles of life, breath, death & healing seem to seep into my work. Nature, magic, creation & the ever-morphing seasons are a constant guiding force & inspiration.
~victoria pettella~

wander with me

Monday, September 28, 2015

Autumn's flame

Autumn's Flame 
burns bright

Autumn's Wing
Summer gently falls
b e n e a t h
the Ancient breath of
 Autumn`s wing
A  new world summons
a Labyrinth of Seeds
Soaking down the moon's release
 Earthen-womb full of mourning-doves
Amber veils shimmering above
Swallows circling the falling leaves
pressing stars between their beaks
Upon the waters,  feathers drift-on
echoing through  hauntful-swans 
Wild branches 
carved like Thrones
of Crimson-Oak and mossy-stones
Ruby leaves and parchment poems
Calling all the forest-souls
Bleeding colors, shining like bones
till the white-Raven falls
quietly alone
*~victoria pettella~*

Autumn Poems

Summer Kings
and Autumn Queens
Nature dancing
t h e   I n b e t w e e n
still much fire, light and breath
till Winter sweeps its spell of death
but only hidden for a time
the Earth asleep with paling light 
the mask of dreams
will fall
a w a y
as mother
r e w e a v e s
the darkened maze
the Spring will rise 
a torch 
of silver rain
The Sun will shatter 
the sleeping-cage
Where death once lived
the light will now reign
The Flora and Forests
shall Awaken again
~victoria pettella~
*magic prose*

Visual elixirs~
Blue Morning Glory, Red Maple Leaf and Sunflower

Birch Spirit in shadow
and draped in many moons

Each season
lights a sacred flame
to embody all
the gifts of change 
& earth
enchants the Spirit 
of rebirth
Spirals shift
Magic ignites
the Eternal Ether
 of Infinite Light
~victoria pettella~
*magic prose*

Wishing you the 
magic and beauty
during this 
deeply transformative season

Happy Autumn



Tammie Lee said...

magic prose
visual elixirs
the bliss of nature in every changing leaf
ah, so beautiful, so true
such gorgeous images ~
thank you ~
lovely autumn to you
may the magic of the season kiss your brow and ignite your heart

Victoria said...

Tammie Lee
Yay! Thank you my friend for sharing such beautiful words and shining your spirit and enchantment always!
Blessings of Autumn to you!

Palomasea said...

Dearest Victoria,

This is a breathtaking, amazing post. What an artist you are, so stunning. I probably repeat myself in my comments, but I am touched very deeply by your creations.
I hope you had a chance to witness the eclipse last night...eerily magical. What a way to begin the season!

Thank you, dear friend, for visiting me...and for leaving so much love! :) There are days where I'm off the computer, so comments tend to sit in moderation until I get back to the virtual world. But I apppreciate all of your visits immensely, and if a quote can inspire, I am thrilled.
Love and Blessings,
~ Irina

Emma said...

This is most beautiful, dear Victoria. You are such a poetic spirit, your words and images are profound and mesmerizing..pure magic!
Beautiful my friend ♥♥♥

Victoria said...


Massive sparkles to you Irina, thank you so much for all your kind and beautiful words..deeply appreciated, that means alot to me that it touches you!
Yes I enjoyed the eclipse, and spent time under it with candles, very magical ! Yes a wonderful way to begin the season!
Thanks for visiting and shining your magic!

Victoria said...


Emma, your words are always so kind and beautiful and your visits here are deeply appreciated ! I always look forward to your beautiful posts and poetry!
Thank you again sweet friend!

CraveCute said...

Hello Victoria... Oh I did enjoy your beautiful poems and images. This is truly a magical time of year. I hope you enjoyed the super-Moon last night as much as I did! ~ Diane

Victoria said...

Such beautiful words and images! They took my breath away...



Ygraine said...

Oh Dearest utterly breath-taking!
Here...I have found the very Spirit of autumn in your stunning images and beautiful words.
I am moved into another, more magical World...that I never, never want to leave...:))

As I sat gazing at the Super Moon from my window, I thought of you, my dear Sister-Kindred...and wondered if you were watching it at that same moment too.
Wasn't it absolutely gorgeous?

Wishing you the very best of Season's Blessings!

Much Love & Hugs


Victoria said...

Yay my sister-kindred, yes I too was gazing under the moon with candles..very peaceful and magical. That touches my heart that you thought of me! Hugs

Thank you for such beautiful words, means alot coming from you, and i always appreciate your visits and shiing your magic my way! Thanks for adding sparkles to my day..and world!
HUgs sister-kindred

Victoria said...

Crave cute
Hi kindred..thank you for your lovely words..and oh yes..I enjoyed the beauty of the moon..magical! Wishing you a beautiful week!

Victoria said...


Many thanks Victoria for leaving such kind words..most appreciated!

Shell said...

Beautiful and lyrical, Victoria. You capture the magic of Autumn well.

Kelly said...

I wondered when I would see another one of your divinely inspired posts. This one is truly and deeply emotive; it captures the essence of the season and seasonal changes perfectly and the transformative qualities those who are in tune with nature experience. Nature is truly awe-inspiring!!

I've missed you!!!!!

Hugs, Kelly

Victoria said...

Thanks so much Kelly always for your super beautiful words, happy you enjoyed it!
Thanks for shining your magic,beautifully said!

Victoria said...

Thanks so much Shell, I deeply appreciate your words!

sheila 77 said...

Hello Victoria, I have been here several times, but no comment could do justice to your art-photographs and poems.
Just let me say I am over-awed by your creativity and spirit.

Victoria said...

sheila 77
HUgs Sheila, your super beautiful words have touched my heart, thank you so much and for taking the time to visit!
Many thanks!!

Nigéa said...

Dearest Victoria,
It's an enchantment to visit your realm, you make my day. I think that each time there's something wrong around me, I will recall "Victoria's realm is the quietest place to be and stay hopeful, a secret paradise to almost touch the sky and listen to most beautiful things in the world". Thank you, so so so much, dear friend

Victoria said...


Wow Nigea! Thank you for such beautiful and kind words, you have deeply touched my soul! I love your beautiful and magical world too, it is so wonderful we are friends!
hugs and many thanks, wishing you a beautiful day!

By Candlelight

By Candlelight

Autumn' sLight

Autumn' sLight

A natural draw to the experimental side of things


where I have been lately *dream with me here



beautiful creatures

beautiful creatures

)0( ***

raven in love with the moon

raven in love with the moon

black feathers

black feathers

ghosts of introversion

ghosts of introversion


visit sacred space...

a u r a

a u r a



g h o s t b i r d

g h o s t b i r d

** ethereal dreamworlds **

** ethereal dreamworlds **

visual potions ~by candlelight

visual potions ~by candlelight

wander through the veil with me

Poems seeking light

Poems seeking light

To all the rare flowers

To all  the rare flowers

**b e a u t i f u l ** s o u l s**

We are all strange and unusual; flawed, broken and beautiful ~victoria pettella

shadows & souls

shadows & souls

moonlit flora spells

moonlit flora spells

visual potion~ sun, shadow & strings

visual potion~ sun, shadow & strings

sacred spaces~

sacred spaces~

** symbolic visions **

)O( ***

Nature is a Meditation

Nature is a Meditation

visual spells ) o (

visual spells ) o (

one night the stars... let me in

ash and seed

ash and seed

uncaged & free

uncaged & free
a beautiful storm



Creative Encounters & Kindred Spirits

I love to meet and connect with fellow creatives! I have a deep appreciation for all artists, creative thinkers, unique souls.
While my nature is mostly introverted and I thrive as a hidden -solitaire, I have found connecting with other creative-spirits to be profoundly nourishing and deeply magical in ways my soul understands. To those I have met along the way that have enriched my life with your art-music-writing-creations-passion-energy-open-mindedness....I thank you immeasurably ! and to those I have reconnected with..thank you for giving me a sense of community in a world I always felt on my own in. Thank you for these creative encounters, they have transformed me.

solitary world

solitary world

the unseen

the unseen

releasing the shadows and returning to light

releasing the shadows and returning to light

visual poems..

visual poems..

sunskulls & wolf-bones ~ a cave of songs & poems

sunskulls & wolf-bones ~ a cave of songs & poems

new soul

new soul

Dark Blooms

Dark Blooms

you were always meant to be free

gothic spell

gothic spell

u n v e i l

The Bird whispered to the stone

The Bird whispered to the stone

The Secret Realm

The Secret Realm
What is behind the door of shadow and light...