
I love the deep-magic of Amaranthus in the garden..
what are your favorites?
Anyone else have a gothic-y garden?
Heart of a Wizardess
Photo Series: Angels and Amaranthus
( white wings & love lies bleeding)
~Stone cherub
~Amaranthus Caudautus
~Feverfew flowers
~Magic of nature
~My little Gothic Garden
Thanks for visiting
PS: Those who have google-plus
my apologies for not being allowed to comment on your blogs
please know I have visited and always enjoy what you share!
This is beautiful
Love the bright colors!!!
So so so beautiful Victoria!
What an eye you have! :)
Eu, não tenho um jardim Gótico! Tenho um com os princípios da bio diversidade! Mais natural possível e com a maior porte das flores nativas, algumas pessoas chamam de mato ou pragas de jardim... mesmo assim, acho lindas as flores dos capins...Na entrada de minha casa há uma imagem de nossa Senhora das Graças! Que você tenha uma boa semana!
I've been gardening too. As a matter of fact, my latest post is about goddess gardens and I plan to post more about this in upcoming posts, if blogger would stop having issues.
I love the amaranth~
This angel is trickster and angel rolled into one.....yet appearing to look sublimely innocent.....lovely images!
Oh,dear,dear Victoria!
HOW magnificent is you post...:)*
I love my little garden and I love to make a lot of colors there.....
This Amaranthus and white Angel are so beautiful!!!
Wish you fabulously great week,my dear friend,
...deeply delicious! ~ entices the spirit to dive into the depths ~ of awesomely splendid colour magic!... ...blessed be! ~ dear kindred sister!...
You make me smile
So beautiful ...
unfortunately no garden here. :(
Someday!!! I have been buying more indoor plants because of it though!
Love the amaranths! I also love pansies and johnny jump ups .. they look like little faces. Someday I hope to have them in a garden .... and with angels. :)
Hope you are enjoying these last days of August!
Blessings and light to you!
Gorgeous my friend! I think all my gardens have a touch of Gothic in them! I'm very different in the way I garden ;o) I have black, purple hollyhocks! Love them! Hugs ;o)
Absolutely beautiful V!
Victoria, you are incredibly talented. I always love visiting here. The colors, the lighting, your choice in subjects, gorgeous.
Thanks so much for your super lovely words, hugs! Much appreciation kindred!Happy you enjoyed it
HUgs, thanks so very much for your sweet words! I wish I could find your profile( it shows it cannot be found) so I could visit your blog. If I can find the link I'll visit.
Thanks kindred for visiting!
Magic love crow
yay thanks so much Stacy! me too I have black and deep red hollyhocks...thanks for sharing..such fun..! I bet your garden is super-gorgeous!
Cobalt Violet
Yay thanks so much kindred..I am sure your indoor plants are magical and stunning! I love all of those too..so charming!Enjoy summer's end my friend..and here's to an amazing Autumn!Thanks for visiting Lu!
aww..hugs..you make me smile too!
yay kindred sister...your poetic words always touch my heart!
Yay V..my beautiful friend..your visit are always appreciated...thanks for shining your magic my way!
Forest Dream Weaver
Yay...thanks so much...I totally agree!! Beautifully said!
scholarly gypsy
Yay kindred..happy you have been playing in the garden too..I always enjoy all of your posts..your are a magical spiritess in all that you create!
Tahns so much for sharing dear friend..yes I believe that is a wonderful way to garden..me too, it is a powerful way to create harmony in any way we can! Fantastic!
Hugs kindred..yay. that's such a compliment coming from you..many thanks for your kind words and for visiting..
Incipient Wings
Thanks so much kindred...happy you enjoyed it!
Ces anges sont d'une beauté incroyable! tes photos superbement belles!
Bises Cath
Hello my dear friend, thank you so much for sharing your garden, I don't have one, so I do enjoy visiting, it give me a lot of visual pleasure and a sence of peace. I have had company all week and show them all this post, the photos are fantastic, such beauty there and that sweet cherub face makes me think it's you smiling at us. Have a wonderful weekend my sweet kindred spirit.. (((( BIG HUGS ))))
So very beautiful. I love that rich red colour !!!
Have a great day.
Hello Victoria, what a beautiful post in your garden! I love your stunning Amarantus, and dear angel. A gothic garden??? Do tell? I have not heard of one! I do have edging stones that look gothic to me. I felt lucky to find them.
Thank you for your lovely post.
Que de beauté!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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