s o l i t a r y
w o r l d
w o r l d

solitary world
f l o a t i n g
d r i f t i n g
s h i f t i n g
d r e a m i n g
t r a n s f o r m i n g
m o r p h i n g
b e n d i n g
f l e e t i n g
i n t o
s o l i t a r y
w o r l d
s o l i t a r y
w o r l d
s o l i t a r y
w o r l d
e n c a p s u l a t e d
n e v e r e s c a p i n g
s o l i t a r y
w o r l d
s o l i t a r y
w o r l d
s o l i t a r y
w o r l d
s o l i t a r y
w o r l d
w e
b e g i n
a n d
e n d
t h e
b r e a t h
b r e a k s
a n d
b e n d s
w i t h
s o l i t a r y
w o r l d
~ v i c t o r i a p e t t e l l a ~
Visually magical and the words so true and captivating. Here's to a lovely summer!
Mesmerizing ....Beautiful and deeply resonating...thank you, dear Victoria ♥♥♥
Breathtaking in words and imagery Victoria. Within the sphere both limited and unlimited possibilities. Life ,solitary, yet never really alone.
Crave Cute
Much appreciation for such beautiful words!
Many kind thanks Emma...your beautiful words mean so much! Thank you!
Lori Saul
Thank you Lori! I love what you wrote..magical and empowering and deeply inspiring...very true! Thank you!
images that draw us in
to a deeper realm
a dream zone
where new life can emerge from
the solitary world
thank you
Tammie Lee
Thank you for such super beautiful words,... poetic and magical!
Much appreciation!
Oh how utterly magical...both words and images.
How I wish this was set to music, Victoria...would make such a fabulous song!
Fondest Blessings, dear Kindred:)
I've been away from visiting blogs for so long, I see so many changes since I was last here. I love your words in the introduction, it's how I'm feeling about my own art at the moment. I feel it's changing and I need to go with the natural flow of it, quite scary but in a good way!
I found myself drawn to the hands in each of your images, the touch, the soft and the sensitive. Beautiful and inspiring, thankyou Victoria.
Jess x
Laura Morrigan
Kind thanks kindred!
thank you..what a wonderful thing to say! Putting this to music might be a fantastic idea...thank you for shining that inspiration to me..many thanks!Always appreciative of your thoughts and insights!
Thanks so much Jess..I appreciate your beautiful words. Thanks for sharing the journey you are on at this time with you art..powerful and wonderful! Shine on...you are amazing at all that you do!
HUgs, thanks for your visit and sharing your insightfulness!
The words here today were just spellbinding. Such lovely photos to help illustrate your thoughts.
Breath taking and I love your words!
I love this poem too!! Your words and imagery always matches my moods...How do you know? :)
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