she guides me home
Even the moon
I am alone
and in her light
I feel embraced
less afraid
she calls my name
she guides me home
~victoria pettella~

she guides me home
she guides me home
she guides me home
I am home
There are those quiet moments
that stand out to you and only you
those solitary spaces you inhabit alone
you travel into them deeply
and restlessly
Hands reaching out into the unknowable realm
tears releasing a vibrant strand from the sequence of pain
untying an imperative seam from your frail, stitched being,
the flesh that is still somehow holding itself together
unfurls itself into beautiful chaos and freedom
Your soul summons a true offering,
giving your heart to the night cauldron of stars
Beneath a wild Goddess moon
I wrote a diary inked in black walnut
and dragon's blood
chanted aloud in luminous tongues
and dragon's blood
chanted aloud in luminous tongues
moon , after moon after moon
A vessel of poems pouring the drink
of broken places and the ashes of dreams
of endless wounds and every remedy
questing for signs
she answered me
she answered
And in that space of eternal longing
she called my name,
she took me into her arms
and I was home.
Her breath became my breath
sealing all the lost caves, cuts
and tattered forests from the inside
and tattered forests from the inside
and then weaving all the way
through the skin with her living Light
through the skin with her living Light
like a radiant spark
that returned itself to me.
The piece that was always there
That sacred piece of me
that I am
to never
let go.
~victoria pettella~
Oohh..I was about to go to sleep but then I heard you coming home...How tender is your beautiful your song. Good night dearest Victoria..❤
Thank you...for such lovely words, they touch my heart!
Wishing you the deep magic of the moon as you sleep!
She sings to flesh and bone, right into the soul... and you can hear her so well, Victoria. I read her light through you, feel her nurturing energy, hear the call that takes me home. I, too, am home.
So beautiful( she sings to flesh and bone..) your words always gorgeous, poetic and soul-stirring! Thank you for all you said and shared, deep appreciation ..and for shining your sparkle here.
I enjoyed her and I talked to her!!!
Victoria, I could stay on your blog for hours!! Thank you, truly thank you from the bottom of my heart for being you! Big Hugs and Much Love!
such decadent words..your poems are like dark chocolate to me.
just delicious.
So lovely
with depth
that calls to my spirit
and soul
that takes me back a few nights ago when our full moon glowed red through the smoke
The moon has such allure, your poetry is filled with magic. Thank you for your words and images.
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