Meditation Room

Meditation Room

Welcome* to my Visual Diary ©

Welcome* to my Visual Diary Β©
film~digital~experimental / visual art, design, projects

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In the End it was the Raven

In the End it was the Raven

seeds of creativity~

Themes of transformation & transiting through cycles of life, breath, death & healing seem to seep into my work. Nature, magic, realms of fantasy, faerytale & flora, creation & the ever-morphing seasons are a constant guiding force & inspiration.
~victoria pettella~

a night of poems & black wings

a night of poems & black wings

Friday, October 27, 2017

May my bones know your Love

Love is love is love...and Words 
with Magaly

a love for...
all of  the wild souls 

Seeds of Love & Sacred magic

My Heart Becomes Black Salt


a love for...
pure, undying 

When we were 
the dust 


a love for...
strange, magical, 
otherworldly love

The maze around our Souls

May my bones 
know your 

May my bones
your love

Joining the Wild and Beautiful Creatrix 
and her magical world
for October's Heart-Bits


Magaly Guerrero said...

"May my bones know your love", the post as a whole, but especially that line, brings to mind a poem that appears in Philip Pullman's Subtle Knife. I don't have the book with me, at the moment. But when I'm home, I will share the quote--it's magnificent, like your poem. It sings of olden days that will remain eternal in our blood and bones, in the whispers of the win and dance of trees, in the rot that overtakes to bad... in the dark and in the light, as one.

This is beautiful, my dear friend. And exactly what I hoped to see in October's Heart-Bits. Thank you, thank you, thank you for leaving my heart a bit fuller and happier.

Victoria said...


Thank you , this sounds like something I would totally connect with and would love to read! Deep thanks!
So excited to play in your poetic world, thanks for hosting this and thanks for leaving me such beautiful words, my heart is shimmering!
Hugs wild poetess, I so loved your post today, truly magnificent !

J C said...

So much magic and stardust and love and otherworldly feelings here. My mind is immersed in all you offer and my soul swirls with your words. Amazing!

Victoria said...

For Esther
( I couldn't post a comment on your blog) Hope you see this here

Esther, Loved your post.
Dreamy, powerful and so beautiful! Loved this, I have a deep affinity for I thoroughly enjoyed this magical and intriguing read…pure gorgeousness!

Victoria said...

Thank you for such beautiful words, deep appreciation, so happy you enjoyed it!
Wishing you a magical night, thanks for making mine!

Magic Love Crow said...

Victoria, my soul is bursting, with love. This is truly breath taking!!!! Thank you for being you! Thank you for your beautiful words! Thank you for your beautiful images!! Big Hugs and Much Love, always!

Victoria said...

Magica love Crow
((( Stacy)))), aw, deep thanks! You are such a beautiful soul, thanks for shining your magic here! Wishing you a gorgeous night

Laura said...

Oh my gosh! Your words and images here just sign through my soul. I'm always so in awe when I come here. Beautiful soul, thank you for sharing it with us!
love & blessings

Gina said...

Such a table of delicacies you spread before us....deep reaching prayers of true desire. Heartfelt feast for the soul XXX

Rommy said...

I sometimes think that before a witch casts their first spell, they must first allow themselves to be bespelled and enchanted - by mystery. This poem perfectly captures that sentiment. It's a marvelous ode to the passion a witch feels for their craft, and how it grows as the more they learn.

Sanaa Rizvi said...

This is so incredibly beautiful.. I am literally swooning right now!!πŸ’ž

Khaya Ronkainen said...

Oh, wow! Such a beautiful mystery; spellbinding and satisfying. I held on to every word. Thanks Victoria for sharing your magical word.

Victoria said...

Thank you Laura , such super beautiful words, you made my soul shimmer, deep thanks for yours sweet generous soul!! hugs

Victoria said...

Deep thanks,such decadent-lovely words, my soul feels happy to dine and feast with you!

Victoria said...

What a beautiful thing to say Rommy! What gorgeous thoughts, I resonate with their beauty! Deepest appreciation for adding your magic and sparkle here!

Victoria said...

Sanaa Rizvi
Thank you ..swooning..what a compliment..that make my soul shine, deep thanks for adding your shimmer here!

Victoria said...

Khaya Ronkainen
Many deep thanks for such beautiful words, that means alot! Thanks for your sweet visit! and for adding your wonderful magic here too!

Lisabella Russo said...

Love flows like such a rich current through your words and images. I am drawn in and amazed by the beauty of your creations.

Tammie Lee said...

exquisite magical poetry
and images
just wow!
Lovely and blessed Samhain to you!

Victoria said...

Lisa Isabella Russo
What a super-beautiful thing to say, thanks so much Lisa, deepest appreciation for shining your magic always!

Victoria said...

Tammie lee
Yay Tammie, many deep thanks, your words mean so much! Happy Samhain to you too, and Blessings of Celtic new year! Enjoy the magic!

Ida said...

Perfect prose for the season.

wander with me

By Candlelight

By Candlelight

Autumn' sLight

Autumn' sLight

A natural draw to the experimental side of things


where I have been lately *dream with me here



beautiful creatures

beautiful creatures

)0( ***

raven in love with the moon

raven in love with the moon

black feathers

black feathers

ghosts of introversion

ghosts of introversion


visit sacred space...

a u r a

a u r a



g h o s t b i r d

g h o s t b i r d

** ethereal dreamworlds **

** ethereal dreamworlds **

visual potions ~by candlelight

visual potions ~by candlelight

wander through the veil with me

Poems seeking light

Poems seeking light

To all the rare flowers

To all  the rare flowers

**b e a u t i f u l ** s o u l s**

We are all strange and unusual; flawed, broken and beautiful ~victoria pettella

shadows & souls

shadows & souls

moonlit flora spells

moonlit flora spells

visual potion~ sun, shadow & strings

visual potion~ sun, shadow & strings

sacred spaces~

sacred spaces~

** symbolic visions **

)O( ***

Nature is a Meditation

Nature is a Meditation

visual spells ) o (

visual spells ) o (

one night the stars... let me in

ash and seed

ash and seed

uncaged & free

uncaged & free
a beautiful storm



Creative Encounters & Kindred Spirits

I love to meet and connect with fellow creatives! I have a deep appreciation for all artists, creative thinkers, unique souls.
While my nature is mostly introverted and I thrive as a hidden -solitaire, I have found connecting with other creative-spirits to be profoundly nourishing and deeply magical in ways my soul understands. To those I have met along the way that have enriched my life with your art-music-writing-creations-passion-energy-open-mindedness....I thank you immeasurably ! and to those I have reconnected with..thank you for giving me a sense of community in a world I always felt on my own in. Thank you for these creative encounters, they have transformed me.

solitary world

solitary world

the unseen

the unseen

releasing the shadows and returning to light

releasing the shadows and returning to light

visual poems..

visual poems..

sunskulls & wolf-bones ~ a cave of songs & poems

sunskulls & wolf-bones ~ a cave of songs & poems

new soul

new soul

Dark Blooms

Dark Blooms

you were always meant to be free

gothic spell

gothic spell

u n v e i l

The Bird whispered to the stone

The Bird whispered to the stone

The Secret Realm

The Secret Realm
What is behind the door of shadow and light...