Meditation Room

Meditation Room

Welcome* to my Visual Diary ©

Welcome* to my Visual Diary ©
film~digital~experimental / visual art, design, projects

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a night of poems & black wings

a night of poems & black wings

seeds of creativity~

Themes of transformation & transiting through cycles of life, breath, death & healing seem to seep into my work. Nature, magic, creation & the ever-morphing seasons are a constant guiding force & inspiration.
~victoria pettella~

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Splintered with Strange Magic



Mandy said...

Such beautiful words. I keep telling myself that winter had to end soon - if only!

Victoria said...

Mandy Southgate

Emm!! How I have missed you. Thanks for your sweet words..cannot wait to see what you have been up to. yes still cloaked in Winter here too..stay cozy my friend!

Mandy said...

<3 I've missed you too! Keep trying and failing to get back to blogging!

Magaly Guerrero said...

I love the first one so much. I can see the moonflowers blooming through the dark, balancing the gloom.

The candle is quite lovely, too, from every angle.

CraveCute said...

Strange magic seems it's all around us. Thank you for your gentle but provocative words.

Victoria said...

Magaly Guerrero

Magaly! Oh I just love that thought...yes, it is balancing it all. I do love gloomful beauty. Thanks always for your spark of magic! wishing you an enchanted night poetess.

Laura Morrigan said...

Sounds like a wonderful night! I wish I could go there!

By Candlelight

By Candlelight

Autumn' sLight

Autumn' sLight

A natural draw to the experimental side of things


where I have been lately *dream with me here

wander with me



beautiful creatures

beautiful creatures

)0( ***

raven in love with the moon

raven in love with the moon

black feathers

black feathers

ghosts of introversion

ghosts of introversion


visit sacred space...

a u r a

a u r a



g h o s t b i r d

g h o s t b i r d

** ethereal dreamworlds **

** ethereal dreamworlds **

visual potions ~by candlelight

visual potions ~by candlelight

wander through the veil with me

Poems seeking light

Poems seeking light

To all the rare flowers

To all  the rare flowers

**b e a u t i f u l ** s o u l s**

We are all strange and unusual; flawed, broken and beautiful ~victoria pettella

shadows & souls

shadows & souls

moonlit flora spells

moonlit flora spells

visual potion~ sun, shadow & strings

visual potion~ sun, shadow & strings

sacred spaces~

sacred spaces~

** symbolic visions **

)O( ***

Nature is a Meditation

Nature is a Meditation

visual spells ) o (

visual spells ) o (

one night the stars... let me in

ash and seed

ash and seed

uncaged & free

uncaged & free
a beautiful storm



Creative Encounters & Kindred Spirits

I love to meet and connect with fellow creatives! I have a deep appreciation for all artists, creative thinkers, unique souls.
While my nature is mostly introverted and I thrive as a hidden -solitaire, I have found connecting with other creative-spirits to be profoundly nourishing and deeply magical in ways my soul understands. To those I have met along the way that have enriched my life with your art-music-writing-creations-passion-energy-open-mindedness....I thank you immeasurably ! and to those I have reconnected with..thank you for giving me a sense of community in a world I always felt on my own in. Thank you for these creative encounters, they have transformed me.

solitary world

solitary world

the unseen

the unseen

releasing the shadows and returning to light

releasing the shadows and returning to light

visual poems..

visual poems..

sunskulls & wolf-bones ~ a cave of songs & poems

sunskulls & wolf-bones ~ a cave of songs & poems

new soul

new soul

Dark Blooms

Dark Blooms

you were always meant to be free

gothic spell

gothic spell

u n v e i l

The Bird whispered to the stone

The Bird whispered to the stone

The Secret Realm

The Secret Realm
What is behind the door of shadow and light...